The golden ratio is a series of numbers discovered by the mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci.
The characteristic of Fibonacci numbers is that each one is the sum of the perceiving numbers.
Fibonacci numbers have an impressive pattern. When you divide one number in the series by the number before you get numbers very close to 1.618
In fact, this number is fixed by the 13th in the series and 1.618 is known as the golden ratio.
It applies to the ideal human form. When the proportions of the body and the face are equal to 1.618, we have the perfect human body.
Proportions in the human face:
1)The length of the face over the width of the face.
2)The distance between the lips and the eyebrows over the length of the nose.
3)The length of the face over the distance between the tip of the jaw to where the eyebrows meet.
4)The length of the mouth over the width of the nose.
5)The distance between the tip of the eye between the distance of eyebrows.
6)The distance between the tip of the jaw to the nose over the tip of the jaw to the lower lip.
7)The distance between the nose to the top of the head over the distance from the tip of the jaw to the nose.
8)The distance between the tip of the jaw to the top of the head over the distance between the nose to the top of the head.
The total width of the front teeth in the upper jaw over their height gives us the golden rule.
The width of the first teeth and the center of the second reveal a golden rule.
The golden ratio in the human body
Many artists and designers use the golden ratio in their works because it is perceived as more pleasing to see.
In 25 B.C. the Roman architect Marcus Vitruvius Pollio remarked on a similarity between the human body and a perfect building.
He inscribed the human body into a circle and a square, the two forms that are considered images of perfection.
Proportions in the human body:
1. The distance between the navel and the foot and the height of the human being.
2. The distance between the fingertips and the elbow to the distance between the wrist and elbow.
3. The distance between the shoulder line and the top of the head.
4. The distance between the navel and the top of the head – The distance between the shoulder line and the top of the head.
5. Navel and knee – The distance between the knee and the end of the foot.
The golden ration in your hand
Look at your index finger and you will find the golden number.
Our fingers have 3 sections. The proportions of the first two sections to the full length of the finger give the golden ratio. This, of course, doesn’t apply to the thumb which has 2 joints.
Also, the proportion of the middle finger with the little finger gives the golden ratio.
You have 2 hands, the fingers in them consist of 3 sections, there are 5 fingers in each hand, and only 8 of the fingers give the golden number.
Now the sequence is 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89.
The numbers 2, 3, 5, and 8 fit the Fibonacci numbers.
The golden ratio in the human heart
The rhythmic pulse of the heart has always been thought to follow a harmonic and perhaps a divine pattern.
A study by the British Medical Journal showed that individuals with the golden ratio (1.6180) between their diastolic(maximum) and systolic(minimum) blood pressure counts were less prone to fatal cardiac arrests than those with higher.
They were 160,000 participants in the study. They also found that participants who suffered fatal heart attacks had a higher ratio (1.7459).
Although this study is not likely to be of practical relevance to clinicians, at a population level this may be an important phenomenon and should be investigated more.