Straight Line Persuasion Review and Keynotes

Some people think selling is a dirty word.

But selling is everything.

Selling is not only ethical but necessary.

The economy functions because people are persuaded to buy, vote, and contribute.

A business might have a great product, but it won’t succeed if they don’t know how to sell it.

It’s unsurprising that 10 out of 53 billionaires who started their career in an organization that was not their own started in a sales position.

The world needs people like Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs working together.

Now, I wanted to give an honest review of straight line persuasion along with the keynotes.

And if you want to learn more about SLP, I’d recommend reading my comprehensive guide:

How to Sell like Jordan Belfort

#1 The 3 basic tenets of Straight Line Persuasion

1. Develop rapport on both a conscious and an unconscious level

Developing rapport is not about talking about your or your prospects’ lives.

At first, you make them realize that you’re an expert. And that you can help them achieve their goals.

You are making it clear that it is worth doing business with you.

2. Gather intelligence effectively

The problem with many salespeople is that they talk more than they listen. They think it helps them take control of the sale. But it doesn’t work.

You should ask questions to understand what exactly his needs are. You are qualifying the prospect to see if he needs your product. If it doesn’t, then you should find another person.

3. Control the sale by keeping them in the Straight Line

The perfect sale when the client agrees with everything you say and is ready to buy rarely happens.

The prospects will try to move you off the line and change the conversation. So, your goal is to keep him within the boundaries of the line in a way that empowers him.

#2 Prospecting

Prospecting is not about finding people who might buy your product but weeding out the people who are not interested or don’t qualify.

If you don’t prospect effectively, you’ll pitch to people who won’t buy. And it will affect your confidence in your ability to sell.

#3 Mastering Tonality

This is my favorite module.

Tonality is the easiest to master and, at the same time, is the “Secret Sauce of Persuasion”.

You say a few words, and the attached tonality gives a more powerful meaning that influences someone emotionally.

You will go through the script and say every word with the right tonality.


In the first paragraph, you’ll establish that you care, are reasonable, and are trustworthy.

Hi, is John there? (excited)

Hi John!

Now we’ll infer the Microargemments. You raise your voice a little at the words “Global Capital”, “Tampa, “Florida”. It’s like saying, right, you know us?

This is Jordan Belfort, calling from Global Capital, in Tampa, Florida. How’s it going today? (I really want to know)

Great! (Happy to hear that).

Now if you recall (the tone of mystery), you attended a seminar last Thursday night over at the Marriott Hotel (right?), with one of our top traders (right?), James Arnell (right?). Does that ring a bell?

Ok, great (enthusiastic).

Now (upbeat), the reason for the call today (drop your voice to imply scarcity) is that you’re one of the last of the group who hasn’t enrolled yet.

If you have 60 seconds (Pause), I want to share an idea with you, got a minute? (The reasonable tone)

You should also say some words grouped: “How’s-it-going-today”, “one-of-our”.

Another thing to consider is body language when saying certain words.

For example, if you try to transmit sincerity, you show your palms.

Or, when you say, “if you recall”, narrow your eyes a little.

Even though you might speak over the phone, the physiological triggers will help you capture the tonality.

#4 Being a leader and a visionary

Goals are fundamental to maintaining focus on a specific outcome. But there’s something much more potent than setting a goal: your vision for the future.

People don’t buy into goals but are thirsty for a vision.

#5 The inner game of sales

You’ll become successful when you are willing to do whatever it takes, as long as it is ethical and productive to humanity. And it starts by changing the way you think about yourself and what it takes to succeed in life.

#6 The five key elements of SLP

1. The art of sifting

You might tell people all the beautiful things your product will do for them, but other issues stop them from buying. As a result, you shouldn’t throw the best pitch right away.

2. The Action Threshold

It is the unconscious set point that somebody has to be motivated to take action.

Through life experiences, people build up resistance or limiting buying beliefs, which leads to a higher threshold for buying.

For example, past experiences where the company didn’t stand behind their promise, or even advice our parents gave us not to buy.

We can lower the action threshold through the use of:

  • Language patterns
  • Belief busting
  • Making logical cases

3. Tipping the Scales

Imagine the action threshold as a big scale.

The fulcrum in the middle of the scale is the person’s action set point, with all the positives (Good things happen if the decision is made) on the left and all the negatives (bad things happen if you decide) on the right.

As you go through Straight Line from open to close, you’re knocking out negatives, building up positives, and changing clients’ beliefs about buying simultaneously. Until you reach the point when the client says “yes”.

4. The Sales Funnel

What are exactly your goals?

For example, let’s say your goal is to make $200,000 a year. And you make, on average, $2000 on commissions.

Now, you calculate how many dials or appointments you must make to reach the objective.

5. Three Things in 4 Seconds

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “You only get to make a first impression once”. Well, that’s true.

As soon as people hear your voice, they create a mental picture of you in 4 seconds.

So, it’s crucial to establish that:

  • You’re enthusiastic as hell – It gives the impression you have something great to offer.
  • You’re Sharp as a tack – If they don’t think you’re sharp as a tack, you’re wasting their time.
  • You’re an authority figure and a force to be reckoned with – People are taught to respect and listen to authority figures from a young age.

#7 The art and science of qualifying

Asking the right questions requires skill and practice.

Asking the right questions will help you get crucial information about specific client needs.

You need to keep in mind the following:

1. Identify the client’s “why” – These are the logical and emotional reasons behind their choices.

2. Memorize questions in order – Start with general questions and then work toward the specific questions for your industry.

3. Ask permission to ask questions – E.g “Just a couple of quick questions so I don’t waste your time.” or “Just a couple of quick questions so I can better serve you”.

Ask Invasive Questions

For example, “How long have you been thinking about trading or buying this car”.

This will elicit important information, so pay attention.

After qualifying, you will know if your product is right for him and that he can afford it.

If he meets both criteria, you can continue your pitch.

#8 Creating presentations that close anyone who’s closable

Here you’ll learn how to box someone in.

It means eliminating all the reasons for them not to buy and having them admit they should be buying.

#9 Looping: how to turn objections into closes

Looping is where you capture the three 10s. Instead of moving down the straight line, you stop and return slightly. You take another shot of capturing the three 10s.

The product is rated as a 10. If the client doesn’t think so, you’re selling to the wrong people.

Looping requires you to talk less about the product and more about yourself and the direct benefits for the client. It also involves discussing your company’s integrity and what you can do for him long-term.

As you talk, each loop gets tighter until you hit a specific objection.

At that point, you answer the objection and ask for the order. This is where the client starts to buy.

#10 Creating customers for life

There are 5 techniques to turn clients into customers for life:

1. Never duck a phone call. If you make a mistake, then tell the client.

2. Send them to your competitor. If you can’t help your client, send them to someone who can. They will remember you because not many salespeople go to great lengths to help the customer.

3. Remember their family.

4. Use gifts. It plays with the reciprocity rule. You give small gifts based on their hobbies.

5. Write thank-you notes. “thanks for the gift, it was great” won’t have much impact compared to something like, “I absolutely loved the gift you sent me. It looks beautiful sitting on the centerpiece of my table”.

Cons of Buying SLP

Jordan has included some self-help material. And while it might be a huge help for beginners, it won’t be life-changing information if you’re an experienced salesman.

Pros of Buying SLP

– Jordan Belfort has proved himself as a world-class closer.

– He explains clearly and enthusiastically, so you won’t have a problem absorbing all that information.

– Straight Line Persuasion is an elegant and efficient sales system. It is designed to train anyone, no matter their social or intellectual background.

Check out the book by Jordan Belfort

Way of the Wolf: Master the Art of Persuasion, Influence, and Success

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